Leadership Academy in Perth Western Australia

Sustaining Catholic Leadership through education


Leadership Academy for Years 10 to 12 students


The Knights’ Catholic Leadership Academy develops and builds upon the leadership competencies of Young Catholic Leaders from Years 10 to 12 to lead, grow and sustain Catholic Youth driven initiatives. The Academy also provides Leaders with personal formation with which to witness to and evangelise their peers in a theologically sound and sustainable manner.


Learning and Formation

The Academy’s structured program is administered through leadership skills training as well as personal and spiritual formation. The total time contact is three single-day seminars, plus a Youth Conference, all during the school holidays. Students will also be given the opportunity for prayer and reflection with a view to provide a real experience of Christ. The true Christian experience should plant the seeds of faith that will ultimately provide the motive and drive of the youth leader. Successful students will graduate with the basic skill sets to start up, implement and sustain a youth group or a youth program in a parish or youth movement, as well as develop networks and become aware of resources through the activities of the program.

Mentoring and Support

Students will be partnered with an experienced mentor to provide coursework and pastoral support to attain success on their leadership journey. After the program has concluded, KSC encourages maintaining the mentoring relationship to provide support. 


Workshops and Fellowship

Students will develop critical leadership skills and build further confidence in articulating and advocating their faith in the community. In partnership with educators and experienced youth leaders from Acts2CoME, the Academy provides opportunities for them to apply their faith in action through course supported projects, workshops and seminars.


Lifelong Partnerships

Upon successful graduation, participants will have demonstrated the following learning objectives:

  1. Spiritual Formation

  2. Faith Formation

  3. Moral Formation

  4. Purpose and Goal Setting for Youth Groups

  5. Engagement and Events Coordination

  6. Catholic Leadership


Today’s students. Tomorrow’s leaders.

Click the video to hear from our Program Co-ordinators about what the Leadership Academy is about and testimony from past students on how it has transformed their lives.



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